
The Benefits of Micronized Purified Flavonoid Fraction

Venous disorders, such as excessive blood clotting, varicose veins, and so on damage the veins that carry blood back to your heart. They can also lead to other painful diseases such as hemorrhoids. Some of these problems are short-term, but many are chronic and can cause constant pain. If left untreated, these diseases can develop into something even more painful such as leg ulcers.

Many of these diseases generally can’t be avoided. They may be the result of natural causes such as aging or having a family history of Chronic Venous Disease (CVD). They may also be the result of avoidable problems such as excessive weight gain or sitting/standing for extremely long periods of time.

While these diseases can be the gateway to more serious health concerns, with the right medication (known as venoactive drugs), the symptoms of such diseases can be reduced over time.

Micronized Purified Flavonoid Fraction (MPFF) is one of the most common and well-studied venoactive substance designed to treat CVD. Research indicates that it has been successful in alleviating many of the common problems associated with CVD such as:

  • Leg pain
  • Swelling
  • Cramps
  • Heaviness in the legs
  • Inflammation

What Is Micronized Purified Flavonoid Fraction?

CVD can impact your overall way of life as well as your health. MPFF is the most common supplement that’s currently used for the treatment of CVD and is composed of 90% diosmin and 10% concomitant active flavonoids.

Diosmin is a naturally derived chemical that is mainly extracted from citrus fruits. It helps reduce any swelling and inflammation caused by diseases such as hemorrhoids and also plays a role in normalizing your vein function.

Flavonoids are also derived naturally and contain antioxidants that help the body strengthen its immune system and fight diseases such as heart diseases.

Collectively, these two elements work better for CVD patients than just diosmin alone.

How CVD Affects Your Physiology

Chronic venous hypertension and dilatation affect the valves and walls of your veins. This, in turn, alters blood flow and can trigger an inflammatory response. The inflammation releases certain chemicals in the body that cause vascular thickening, which can further increase the deterioration of the function of your veins and spread the inflammation.

The Role of MPFF in the Treatment of CVD

MPFF is more potent than diosmin alone and is far more effective. Research indicates that the intake of MPFF can prevent some of the earlier problems caused by inflammation, such as venous hypertension. It can also slow down the changes caused to your arteries and veins due to CVD. If taken early on during your treatment, MPFF can slow down the spread of the disease, and in many cases, completely prevent it. The general recommended dose is 1000mg/day (this may be taken in two 500mg doses per day).

IMPORTANT NOTE: All dtreatments for CVD must be taken only after consulting with your doctor and in the dosage provided to you.

Evidence of the Benefits of MPFF

Studies have found that prolonged MPFF therapy can reduce the symptoms of CVD significantly. This means that as the weeks go by, symptoms such as leg pain, swelling, and so on are likely to reduce. And you don’t have to take our word for it. Here are some figures to support this:

  • A Colombian study consisted of 1570 CVD patients, with the most common symptoms being leg pain, heaviness, swelling, and cramps. The majority of these patients experienced these issues daily. They were monitored over 60 days, receiving MPFF treatment for this period, and by the end, the symptoms had reduced by a whopping 60%.
  • A Russian study used 1607 CVD patients, of which 1368 patients received a combined treatment, and the rest received only MPFF. Both groups showed an improvement of 50% by the end of the study. This indicates that CVD treatment, whether taken alone or in combination with other medication, is a proven way of reducing (and in some cases completely diminishing) the symptoms of CVD.
  • The results of another study by Amiel et al. pointed out that at least 1000mg of MPFF need to be consumed daily for it to be effective. This was in response to previous research that indicated that a 600mg dose of diosmin would suffice.
  • Another study included 592 patients who were randomly assigned to a placebo or MPFF group. While the placebo group also showed improvement in symptoms, the patients who were treated with MPFF showed greater, more significant improvement.

A Treatment You Can Trust

Venixxa is a natural treatment derived from growing oranges and has been proven to help relieve the symptoms of CVD. It is generally used to treat mild-to-moderate cases of CVD. These tablets help relieve symptoms such as varicose veins, spider veins and reduce inflammation, swelling, heaviness in the legs, leg pain, and other discomfort.

All these symptoms are signs of a greater, more painful chronic disease, and it is best to consult your physicist or visit your local pharmacy to incorporate Venixxa into your treatment. As you use it daily, you will notice your symptoms and discomfort reducing.

It is generally received well by the body and has minimal to no side effects. The side effects, if any, are not dangerous, and include hypersensitivity, headaches, dizziness, etc. However, since this is a naturally derived medication, you are not likely to experience additional discomfort during treatment.

If your case of CVD is severe, consult your physicist about the next step of your treatment since Venixxa is designed only for the treatment of mild to moderate cases.

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